Members Testimonials

Toastmasters provides every member an opportunity to learn and improve effective communication skills. I experienced this first hand. I was not a very confident speaker and I was hesitant to speak in front of an audience before I joined Toastmasters. It all changed for the best after I joined Toastmasters.

TM Muhammed Saeed Sheikh Ahmed

I have been in School debate team for 5 years. I thought, i can win any argument by just presenting my view points. No sooner I joined Toastmasters, it made me realize the arguments that are won through effective communication has lasting effects because both parties come to a negotiation at the end. Toastmasters helps me to build effective communication skills.

TM Nafhan Naseem


“I thought I knew!!!“As a Managing Director, I require great deal of communication skills. Not just ordinary communication, but always have to convince an audience towards my goals. To sharpen my communication skills I underwent a lot of training on communication and thought I had mastered the art of communicating and leading. I had even appeared on TV talk shows and delivered fair amount of public speeches… every time I finished speaking I thought I have done my best,”

I started my journey as a Toastmaster by default. Now, after completing the CCs I have suddenly realized that there is whole new world to learn in communication. My role playing in different areas has turned the search light inwards and now I discovered how imperfect I have been in the past, contrary to what I thought. With this realization, I begun to love my Toastmasters Club, and wanted it to thrive.”

TM Kamil Hussain
Managing Director Synergy Venture


” Ever since I was young, One of my major fears was public speaking, even as recently, I hated having to speak in public and would use any excuse possible to avoid speaking,

However, Now with the confidence of Taking part in Leadership Roles and Having given Prepared speeches, I am able to take new steps boldy and expand my horizon”

TM Ahmed Shaheer
Director Active Solutions


Success is yours that is the axiom of our newsletter and I never knew when the Journey of Toastmasters began, that I really could achieve the success what they have been talking about.
I am a workaholic by nature and had my own belief’s as best workers are not talkers, but almost immediately after joining Toastmasters, I realized that I’m definitely not an effective speaker, I was determined to improve myself, I struggled with every speech especially in round robin and table topics, but with the help and guidance from Awakening family gave me the strength to carry on,
Now with my diminishing nervousness and improving confidence, I believe Success is achievable for all Toastmasters.

TM Zameel Amjed
Software Product Developer


I have heard about toastmasters many times in the past and have not joined for various reasons. I was good in speaking and knew a bit of techniques about public speaking.

Being a qualified Chartered Accountant and Management Accountant by profession, I had exposure through academic and real life work experience in gaining leadership skills. Mainly for these two reasons and other factors deterred me from joining the Toastmasters.

After joining the Awakening Toastmasters Club I realized there was more to public speaking, and allowed me an opportunity to refine my skillset.

Furthermore, I realized a unique characteristic in Toastmasters, in that, it is a development of both the public speaking skills and leadership skills simultaneously as they are mutually interlinked. This aspect, I now believe can be a feature for any person in whatever vocation or profession to embark on a journey with Toastmasters International.

TM Ismet Shahabdeen
Financial Officer, Tangerine Group
When I was first requested by Muhammed Sheikh Ahmed, the President of Awakening Toastmasters Club to join the Club, I had no idea about what it was. I thought that, it is something like the Master Chef in the TV shows, which I happen to watch with my wife at times.
The enthusiastic president as he is commonly referred to, had the patience and the persuasive skills to explain the mission and vision of Toastmasters International and convince me to join the club. Being a medical doctor, I foresaw a new opening for my monotonous life style. I also soon realized that I could develop my public speaking and leadership skills related to my profession.
It is now a great pleasure to be a member of the Awakening Toastmasters Club and be a team player in achieving the goals of the club.
TM Ahmad Rushdhi
Doctor of Medicine
I am an Entrepreneur by nature and I come from a Buying and Retail background in the Apparel industry with my biggest stumbling block being speaking to the point. However, since discovering Toastmasters, the development and improvement that has been brought forth from toast-mastering continuously and learning along with the help and guidance from the competent communicator and the competent leadership projects is tremendous. Today in the professional arena as I walk from meeting to meeting with my staff, buyers and suppliers, both local and international, I am now able to express myself clearly and to the point.
TM Ahamed Bary

Stay focused with the passion to win

I’ve always been passionate about whatever I’ve done whether it be sports which I love or life in general. But one aspect which I didn’t get a chance to get my focus right was on Public Speaking.

But today after discovering Toastmasters and the Awakening Family I feel the focus is right on the dot & I’ve not only improved my communication skills but also my leadership skills in parallel.

TM Nuski Muheeth


Everyday and every task is a challenge, more so in the corporate world.To overcome these challenges you need to develop the right skillset and the right attitude. Being part of the busy corporate life and being part of various Clubs and gatherings I’ve witnessed various approaches.

Today I can confidently state that none come close to the Toastmasters way in developing Communication and Leadership skills, helping us to expand our horizons.

This Toastmasters year I’ve taken the challenge of the Newsletter Editor of the club in ensuring I continue to develop facets to my journey of discovery.

TM Shadrin Safwan
Revenue Assurance, Airtel


Some take a short time to adapt and adjust while others take longer to move ahead. In my case I believe in baby steps rather than giant leaps.

But until I was able to discover Awakening Toastmasters I was unable to make the vital first step for progressive improvement in my journey of communication & public speaking.

Today I’m stepping into my university life after taking so many small steps with the Awakening family; always forward and never behind; a confident individual ready to make the giant leaps !.

TM Isthibhar Irfan
IT Undergraduate


“Although my foray into Toastmasters is not very long and just a year, the life changing skills and lessons I’ve learnt have been numerous. But the most valuable skill I’ve developed is where you will be able to organize your thoughts and create a concise and compelling response whether it be at work or at any setup.

The skills I’m learning and the improvement I’m seeing in my self makes every second spent at Toastmasters in general and Awakening in particular, worth it’s weight in gold”

TM Abdul Muhees
Logistic Manager

Sometimes the best things in life come unannounced. This was true with my entry to Toastmasters. When I got an invitation to learn about and join Toastmasters I was glad since I understood that it may benefit me by improving my Public Speaking skills.However after the expedition to the world of Toast-mastering, I’ve understood that it’s just not only about Public Speaking which is only a portion of what’s on the platter. The unannounced portion of Leadership Skills, and many other related Soft skills. The result is today I’ve moving forward in my life in general and carrier in particular with the skills developed thanks to Toastmasters.

TM Nasheeth Cader
Hospitality Manager, Ramada Hotel


Time flies and you don’t feel it passing by? Not with Toastmasters, Each second of every minute is felt by not only the speaker but also the audience as we tackle the ever common fear of talking in public and moulding our leadership skills to create a better tomorrow for all of us.

TM Nafan Nazeel
Ernst and Young Colombo


Stammering, avoiding eye contact, dry mouth, rapid heart beat and sweat dripping over your forehead. Ever felt this way on stage? This is the way I would feel on stage. But, one beautiful day I was able to join Awakening Toastmasters where all my stage fear vanished away. This is a place where there is no judgements, friends become family, you’re not ashamed or embarrassed for your mistakes. I have been liking Awakening Toastmasters from the very first day and I’m looking forward to continue learning with Awakening Toastmasters.

TM Mustafa Firdausi


As a shy introverted kid back then in school, I think if I take a glimpse of myself a decade ago Vs. at present after joining Toastmasters in the recent years I can spot a massive difference in myself. Joining Toastmasters has boosted my confidence in both my personal & professional life & it has given me the opportunity to share, inspire & interact with different social circles in my vicinity displaying a great confidence. I am still grateful to my mentors for taking & encouraging to take that first step in my public speaking journey by joining Toastmasters.

TM Yousuf Furqan

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