The Beauty of Change

The Beauty of Change

When a small group of people got together to start this journey none of us imagined we will be where we are today. We are usually alarmed by changes because it can take the goods things in life. However, there are some changes in life that can have a positive impact. This journey of Changes had triumphs and failures, but we navigated through them all.
I still remember that we had theme meeting back in 2014, it was “where will Toastmasters be in 2024” (centennial). And one Toastmaster talked about how we would have meetings with people connected from all over the world, including people from space, we just laughed for it was a far-fetched dream. And here we are a decade later, having meetings just like that.
I remember my first day in Toastmasters, I was scared and frightened whenever I was asked to speak in front of an audience. After having years of opportunity to change myself, now I wait for an opportunity to speak. That seven minutes of speech that gave me butterfly in my stomach, is now a cherished moment.
More than anything where I have seen the most changes is in, moving from an introvert person to an extrovert person. This is something that I thought could never be changed, I was not a social person, but through this program I have been able to overcome it.
When we started Awakening Toastmasters with 21 members, we were just a group of friends who wanted to progress in life. But now we have become a Family of over 50 members, but over main objective has never changed, and that is provide a platform where everyone can become the best of themselves.
After, a decade of success and failures. Our trophy cabinets maybe full, with accolades and awards, But the true success of Awakening Toastmasters is the positive that each and every Awakeners see in themselves. That is what we must all strive for to be the best version of Ourselves.
A decade of Awakening Toastmasters has brought create changes for many, and I am sure the next decade will bring even better changes for more Members.